Business Fair!

My nieces' elementary school had a Business Fair today! Ben, our friend Anna's son, and his classmates had to make products of their (within reason) that they can sell at the Business Fair. All of the proceeds of this sale would go towards their class trip or something to that effect. Ben and his mom, Anna, decided to make little Pac Mans. They decided to make Ms. Pac Mans as well... you know for the girls to have an option to buy as well. Anna started making these pac mans for Ben, which became really elaborate... much more than necessary, especially selling them for only a $1.00 a piece. She got wooden balls then painted them yellow, drew little eyes, noses and lips to the faces, drilled holes on the side to glue in the arms, glued little plastic hands on to the end of these arms, glued legs to the bottom, then added the hand-sewn little shoes with stuffing in them. The Ms. Pac Mans got bows on top of head and on the shoes which got "bedazzled" with little jewels glued to them. Even with all this extra, she decided that they also needed to have little houses. The printed out a layout of the houses where they'd be cut and folded with flaps to be glued together, etc. and all this was even double sided! She probably spent a fortune on the toner, not to mention all of the other little parts she bought to put these little guys together. But the price was set, they were sold for $1.00 each. She had a few wooden balls that were larger so they were sold for $1.50. I told her she should have charged a bit extra for the "houses" since when I helped her cut out these boxes/houses, she had only printed half of what she needed and was running out of toner. I guess she printed the rest. Rob and I stopped by at the school to check out the Business Fair. I also wanted to get a Pac Man and a Ms. Pac Man for myself since they looked so great and it took alot of our time and effort to make them. By the time we made it to the fair, Ben was sold out of the Pac Mans, only had Ms. Pac Mans left... and only about 6 in total left from the 100 they made! Awesome! He was the best seller at the fair!!! But because of this, I was only able to get Ms. Pac Man... oh, well... but look how cute she is!!!
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