Rob and I went downtown to check out the Halloweeners on 6th Street. This is Austin's version of West Hollywood, CA where they close off 6th Street and thousands of people walk around to look and to show off their costumes. There were some fun costumes but all were pretty tame compared to WEHO since Austin's such a "family friendly" town. There were many families still there with their kids until about 11pm. We had fun walking around and taking in the sights!
Emily and her friends, Michelle (Mouse) and Abby (Britany Spears)
My nieces got dressed up in their costumes, gettin' ready to go get candies in massive amounts to be consumed as quickly as possible... The two little ones, Haley & Allie got dressed and ready and we waited outside for Emily and her friends to finish getting dressed. The street was buzzing with excitement and all of the neighbor kids out and about, showing off their costumes, some already trick-or-treating. Some of the parents decided to put out lawn chairs on the street to take in the excitement and party atmosphere. I waited until the girls were off to "get candy" then went inside to get myself and Rob on our way out for us...
We didn't find out until the day before the Voter Registration deadline for Austin so we looked for alternative ways to register, maybe on-line or a specific place we can go to register in person... no such thing so we printed out the form found online, filled it out and then had to snail-mail it. We crossed our fingers that we made it in time since it would be postmarked with the deadline date on it. A couple of weeks later, we received our confirmations! Yeh!!! We were relieved to know that we can vote!
We found out only a day or two ago that we can vote earlier than November 4th here in Austin... and the deadline for early voting is today, October 31st! So we hurried up and made time to go to H-E-B, our local grocery store, to VOTE! There was a bit of a line but nothing compared to what is expected on Nov. 4th. It was painless, quick and easy... and we're so happy we were able to take part in the elections. But also bummed that I can't vote on the Props which are for California only since I'm no longer there... But at least I got to vote for my choice for the President! I wore my "I Voted" sticker proudly all day and evening... yes, even for the Halloween festivities!!!
My nieces' elementary school had a Business Fair today! Ben, our friend Anna's son, and his classmates had to make products of their (within reason) that they can sell at the Business Fair. All of the proceeds of this sale would go towards their class trip or something to that effect. Ben and his mom, Anna, decided to make little Pac Mans. They decided to make Ms. Pac Mans as well... you know for the girls to have an option to buy as well. Anna started making these pac mans for Ben, which became really elaborate... much more than necessary, especially selling them for only a $1.00 a piece. She got wooden balls then painted them yellow, drew little eyes, noses and lips to the faces, drilled holes on the side to glue in the arms, glued little plastic hands on to the end of these arms, glued legs to the bottom, then added the hand-sewn little shoes with stuffing in them. The Ms. Pac Mans got bows on top of head and on the shoes which got "bedazzled" with little jewels glued to them. Even with all this extra, she decided that they also needed to have little houses. The printed out a layout of the houses where they'd be cut and folded with flaps to be glued together, etc. and all this was even double sided! She probably spent a fortune on the toner, not to mention all of the other little parts she bought to put these little guys together. But the price was set, they were sold for $1.00 each. She had a few wooden balls that were larger so they were sold for $1.50. I told her she should have charged a bit extra for the "houses" since when I helped her cut out these boxes/houses, she had only printed half of what she needed and was running out of toner. I guess she printed the rest. Rob and I stopped by at the school to check out the Business Fair. I also wanted to get a Pac Man and a Ms. Pac Man for myself since they looked so great and it took alot of our time and effort to make them. By the time we made it to the fair, Ben was sold out of the Pac Mans, only had Ms. Pac Mans left... and only about 6 in total left from the 100 they made! Awesome! He was the best seller at the fair!!! But because of this, I was only able to get Ms. Pac Man... oh, well... but look how cute she is!!!
Here are the girls in front of the Jungle! We stopped by after Haley's play performance. No pictures from the play since it was wayyyyyyy to dark in there for any of my pictures to actually come out. One of these days I'll have a real camera with better flash and zoom! Sigh!
Our friend Anna and her friend, Iris were requested to help out at the kids' school (due to their history of dedication and creativity on other volunteered projects) to get ready for the upcoming book fair by helping them transform the library into a jungle! I'm proud to say I helped out by cutting many of the leaves and the grass blades. Rob helped by putting up these wonderful decorations. I was bummed that I wasn't feeling well on the day when they put everything up. I was so looking forward to helping them with that since I love that kind of stuff... But at least Rob was there representing both of us that day. Here's the outcome results of everyone's hard work. Anna's truly amazing! She puts 150% on everything she does!
Andrea (Left) and Allie (Right) posing after the dance Andrea and Allie posing with their teacher
Allie after the dance, changing out of her dance shoes
My youngest niece, Allie, had her dance rehearsal. The actual performance isn't until next May but they were having a somewhat of a dress rehearsal to get the little ones used to performing in front of others in order to decrease the chances of stage fright, etc. Her and her best friend, Andrea, performed together. It was very cute. She actually did well and danced all of the moves but then it was only the few of us family members there to witness it. We'll see if she actually goes through with it in front of a real audience. The very cute videos are on my YouTube page. Go check it out.
Emily, my oldest niece, and her band mates performed in the Fall Festival. Her school and two other middle schools brought their bands together and performed a few songs each. Emily plays the euphonium as pictured with a friend of hers after the performance.
Diet Coke and Mentos guys (Steve & Fritz) about to start...
Mucca Pazza Running thru the audience On the ground, still performing
Interacting with the audience
We went back to Maker Faire so we can help out Candice & Jeffrey a bit more since we felt like we didn't help them out enough yesterday. The passes they got us were good for the entire weekend so we took advantage of it. Good thing we went... they DID need our help. I think we earned those passes and we got to help out Candice & Jeffrey. Very nice people.
We saw more battlebots, watched the diet coke & mentos guys again (they're so fun to watch) and got a chance to see an amazingly entertaining and fun band called Mucca Pazza. They're a marching band (with the outfits and all, even if they're not matching) who thinks they're a rock-n-roll band. They're attitude, stance, and performance is more of a rock band. But since they ARE a marching band afterall, they only have bottles of gatorade all over the stage instead of the alcholic beverages that most rock bands would have lying around. So fun to watch. First marching band that you'll see a mosh-pit at... We were hoping they were local so we can see them again and Rob can even join them with his saxophone but bummer... they're based in Chicago. Hopefully we'll get a chance to see them again!
Inside one of the areas. This is where they have the rodeos but not this weekend... I just like this shot because of the time of day, the sun coming in through looks like there are lights on outside.
Burlesque Dancer on Glass Cups Part of the Biker Zoo Peddaling to make the guitars play These fish and lobsters conduct, dance and sing!
Maker Faire is a two-day, family-friendly event that celebrates the Do-It-Yourself (DIY) mindset. It's for creative, resourceful people of all ages and backgrounds who like to tinker and love to make things. It involveds: Arts • Crafts • Engineering • Food • Green • Music • Science • Technology. They also have booths, stages and workshops set-up to teach you how to make, design, craft or develop all kinds of things such as : Robots • Rockets • Bicycles • Alternative Energy Devices • Electronics • Crafts• Circuit Boards • Sustainable Food • Musical Instruments • Wood Working• Knitting • Eco Modding Cars • Kites • Special Effects • Sewing • and more...
Rob and I met a nice lady who owns a wonderful tea business in Austin. Check out their site: Rob and I were planning on volunteering at the Maker Faire so we can get a free pass to get in. We decided that we'd like to help Candice & Jeffrey (Zhi Tea) instead since they're a vendor at the Maker Faire instead of helping the actual faire organization. So Candice was able to get us free passes to the faire. We got to know Candice & Jeffrey better and helped them a bit here and there whenever they needed help. We only needed to help them for a bit over an hour and then we got to enjoy the rest the faire. We saw robots battling it out, tesla coil to music, pedaling a bike attached to guitars to make the play, decorated automobiles, burlesque dancers, life-size mouse trap, live music, flame throwing robots, biker zoo, and the diet coke & mentos guys, Steve & Fritz! Just to name a few... Check out my youtube page for the video I took of the BattleBots!
After having lived in California for most of my life, my husband and I recently moved to Austin, TX. This blog portrays our life after that move.
I love the beaches, the outdoors, music and all forms of the arts. I love drawing, sketching and painting but don't have much time for it... but I plan to make time! In the meanwhile, I try to take pictures whenever I can. One of these days I'll get a "real" camera and then watch out! I'll take even more pictures of the rocks, the trees and the flowers to bore you to death!!!