Monday, December 1, 2008

Plate Dilemma...

So Rob and I've been busy sorting our boxes from storage, looking for the necessary items such as the microwave, ricecooker, pots & pans, dishes & cups, cooking utensils, winter clothes, couches, bedroom furniture, TV's, DVD players, etc. to move to the new apartment. Since it's only a two month sublet, we only wanted to take the absolute necessary items and leave the rest in storage to lessen the load to be moved. But there were those few luxury items we needed to look for as well such as the boxes of DVD's since we don't plan on paying/connecting cable at the apartment, we'll need access to DVD's to watch movies since we won't have too many channels to watch on TV. We were able to find majority of these things, thank goodness... but there are still those few items that we haven't yet located. We'll see if we find them or not. We did, however, had some unfortunate losses such as all of our large plates. These were from our 'everyday use' wedding registered plates from Target. We had gotten the set of four plates with its matching salad plates, bowls and small bowls. We loved them so much and needed the additional set of four to make it eight plates so we bought the additional set of four plates shortly before we left California. This one box had our two random plates left over from previous sets, some of my cups and our waterford type cups/glasses we received from our wedding. Of-course the two random plates survived and only lost of of the waterford type cup but every one of the eight plates broke. Every single one of the eight... I lost my favorite cup that my friend, Julie, gave me years ago and some other cups that had stories behind. We'll need to try to replace these plates since we have rest of the set of salad plates, bowls, etc. If we lost all of them, we would have started completely over but now it'll be harder since these plates are not in ALL Targets as they switch out their styles everyone couple of years and it's been a bit over 2 years since our wedding. A Challenge!!! We'll see if we meet this challenge! I think we will.

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