We decided to go out for some good BBQ since we're in Austin and all and need to try out their BBQ's... My brother took us to the Salt Lick! WOW!!! The best BBQ I've had EVER! and I'm not much of a meat person but I had the most meat I've eaten in a long time, especially in one sitting... Their meats are yummy but their sauces are fabulous! These delicious sauces can be purchased, even on-line. I guess they're famous for them. Also, the really fun thing about this place is that they don't serve drinks. They allow you to bring whatever drinks you want so everyone comes to the restaurant rolling in their coolers full of whatever quenches their thirst. So cool... and of-course, there was a live band playing in the waiting room so you can rock out while waiting for your table. This place gets so crowded (even if it's wayyyyyy in the boonies, in the woods) that they actually have police guiding traffic within the parking lot... like going to a concert or something, they officer guides you one way and then the rest of the parking attendant people guide you another way and then another attendant to another... Everyone who makes it out to Austin MUST try The Salt Lick! Definitely a MUST!!!
After this belly full-filling meal, we got home and played Guitar Hero to work off some of it and then watched "No Country for Old Men". Great movie.